
Stellaris - The Ether Drake

Created by TTCombat

Collectable miniatures based on the computer game Stellaris

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Begins!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 01:01:52 PM

Hello everyone! Apologies for the time between updates. We had a bit of time off over Xmas, and here in the design room we've had a bunch of stuff to catch up on and get going. One of those things was locking surveys down.

All completed surveys are now locked, and I've been spending a whole bunch of time exporting data and assembling spreadsheets to get these miniatures out the door!

The assembly team have been very busy, and I can happily say that pledges are now beginning to ship out!

The assembly table in all its glory

The first pledges being shipped are the simplest, so if you're just waiting on an Ether Drake, you should have it very soon! We'll be scaling up in order of complexity over the next few weeks before everything is out and you can all fly your leviathans round the room making spaceship/eating/gargling noises (delete as appropriate).

Bubbles! Also not pictured: Bubbles the Amoeba

A big thank you again to everyone that backed the campaign and for your patience. Now the last of the sculpts are getting moulded we can get everything out the door!

Backerkit LOCKDOWN & More Voidspawn
over 4 years ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 11:21:45 AM

Hi everyone! It's almost Xmas, so it's been crazy busy in the TTCombat offices trying to get all the goodies to the children in time for the holidays.

Luckily enough, we received a treat ourselves in the form of the finished Voidspawn! More on that in a minute.


That's the date! Anyone that has filled out their survey, you're good to go. If you've moved house in the last week or two make sure to update your address. Otherwise you don't need to do anything.

Anyone that hasn't filled out their survey, do it now! You'll still be able to complete it afterwards, but the sooner you do, the sooner you get your toys.

If you've lost your Backer link, just go here!

As of lockdown on Monday we move onto shipping the Leviathans to you. We've mentioned a few times, but it's worth saying again that the simpler orders will be fulfilled first, and if there are any Leviathans in your order that aren't quite ready (like the Voidspawn below) we'll be holding them until everything is cast up. It won't take long, don't worry.


It's time! We've got the Voidspawn miniature all done and printed out.

As with the Dimensional Horror, this one needs a little resizing. It'll be a bit bigger for moulding, so I nabbed this slightly undersized one to take some photos.

You can see that it's covered in detail, and looks so close to the in game model its uncanny. I really can't wait to see the 2-Up, which is getting supported for 3D printing as I type.

We'll be back on Monday to lock down the surveys and maybe there might even be some more pictures of models too (who am I kidding? Of course there will).

Late Pledges Open & Voidspawn Inbound
over 4 years ago – Fri, Dec 06, 2019 at 12:45:50 PM

Hi everyone, I'm back again this week!

Late Pledges Open

It's pretty self-explanatory really! The big orange button up at the top of the page will take you to the Backerkit store. If you missed out on the Kickstarter campaign you can late pledge there. Simply pick what Leviathans you want, and go through like a regular online store. Easy!

Voidspawn WIP

The reason this is a late update today is that we just got the first WIP of the new Voidspawn miniature!

Wow! Even though it's early stages you can already see the insane amount of detail being put into the sculpt. We're really impressed so far, so can't wait to see what the end result will be like.

We'll hopefully have more pictures for you next week. In the meantime, if you haven't had your survey email through, check your spam folders! All surveys should be sent by now (although Backerkit does them in waves, so they sometimes take a little bit to show up), so fill yours out and pick up your Add-ons now!

Backerkit LIVE, Dimensional Horror Cast
over 4 years ago – Wed, Dec 04, 2019 at 01:01:11 PM

Hello everyone!

Backerkit is now LIVE. 5% of you will likely already have surveys in your inboxes, with the rest on their way soon. This is a smoke test run by Backerkit to make sure there aren't any issues, then the rest get sent out automatically. Expect them in the next day or two!

We were hoping to send the surveys out last week, but Thanksgiving got in the way! Meanwhile in England we carried on working! ;)

For anyone that didn't manage to join us on the Kickstarter but still wants to pick up some of these great Leviathan models, the pre-order store will be open shortly after the surveys are all sent - we'll share a link with you later this week.


Right, you may have noticed that we haven't shown off the Voidspawn sculpt recently, and those of you to fill out your surveys will see that there isn't a picture in the pre-order store.

Well unfortunately the sculptor who was working on it has gone MIA. We've tried to contact him for several weeks to no avail. We've sent it off to a new sculptor now, and they're getting on with it as we speak. I'm hoping to get some update pictures this week to share with everyone. Unfortunately this means that we're delayed on getting that sculpt done. How much it influences shipping is unknown at the moment, but we're hoping it won't impact it too much.

Certainly, anyone who doesn't want the Voidspawn won't see any changes!

It's a sorry state to be in for sure, but we'd much rather be open with all of you backers, and we'll keep you updated as soon as we know more.

Dimensional Horror

The Dimensional Horror sculpt on the other hand is roaring ahead!

The print we showed off before is sat on my desk, nice and proud. The model has been resized a little, so I nicked the wrong size one to put together and show you all.

This thing is covered in detail, and will be an absolute painter's dream! The arms are all ball and socket joints, so it's very poseable too.

The resin team are still in the process of making moulds, so we should have some production copies out of the resin room very soon.

That's it for today. Remember to check your inboxes for your Backerkit surveys, and I'll be back later in the week, hopefully with some more new things!

The Horror!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 02:04:05 PM

Hello everyone! Just a quick one today, with two points to address.

1. Backerkit

Backerkit is hopefully going live next week, we'll keep you updated on when it's up and running.

2. Dimensional Horror

It's printed! Our first pass Dimensional Horror has come out of the 3D printer. Like, about an hour ago. So I snapped a pic to share with you all!

No googly eyes on this one

When I say "about an hour ago", I really mean it. When things are printed they get supported (so the resin doesn't just fall away). That's what the scaffolding is. These supports get carefully cut off before cleaning up and casting the pieces.

This one is a little too big, but Scott has resized the files and we'll be printing the next one next week. And the 2-up is just getting a detail pass and potentially some additional cuts, and then we'll print that out too!

That's it for today, enjoy your weekends everyone!